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Rose of Jericho- The Resurrection plant

Rose of Jericho- The Resurrection plant

Regular price $ 37.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 37.00 USD
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Rose of Jericho is a tumbleweed. It tumbles around the desert in a dried-up ball for months or years, but when it rains, we see why it's also called a resurrection plant: it unfurls and blooms, dispersing seeds. It is called the “Resurrection Plant” as it symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus. It is said that it was granted the gift of immortality when Maria placed a shroud belonging to her scared baby on it. The rose blossomed beside the sacred family while they fled to Egypt, it bloomed on the day of Jesus’ birth and dried up and closed at the time of his crucifixion and opened up again on Easter Day.
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